Our Authors

Last Updated on Saturday October 28, 2023 04:14pm EDT

Stewart Flood

Stewart’s writings were the original impetus for the creation of this site. Many of his old columns from the 1990s (most for The Chronicle) have been lost, as well as his editorials from time as a talk show host on WTMA, WQSC, WQNT, WJK and WSC.

Fortunately/unfortunately, Stewart comes from a long line of authors and editors. He learned to read upside down and backwards before the “right way”. He was also taught to mirror read type by his mother, who grew up setting type for her father’s paper, the Summit Herald in the 1920s-1940s. (He was the editor, no idea who owned it!) His aunt, Jean Garis Flood, occasionally wrote poetry and has a collection of her papers at Mount Holyoke. His grandfather’s cousin, Howard R Garis, was a prolific writer in the last century, authoring Uncle Wiggily, and under pseudonyms was the author of many of the Tom Swift books, the Bobbsey Twins, Baseball Joe and even the Camp Fire Girls.

Stewart grew up with a huge collection of these books (many first editions), as well as dozens of Oz books on a bookshelf in his room, and did not even know he was related to the author of almost all of them until he was almost an adult. He tends to write about politics, but is always willing to have a “discussion” about baseball.

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